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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Comments / December 10 / 2013

If I ever lose my faith in you , there'd be nothing left for me to do .
Maybe I'd go to school , or maybe I'd become a lawyer , doctor whatever .
If I ever lose my faith in you , regal elephants , I might as well lose my faith completely . You , I think , know how much your loved by the human race ?
We all love you , and have complete faith in preserving you .
Your sobriety is refreshing .


 Good article on old news . If the experiments are so simple yet the results so diverse , do you think a scientist can't give a simple explanation ? One thing is right , the universe we live in is mechanical in nature , mathematics only can cover part of it . Math doesn't include free actions that aren't predictable . Having said that , imagine what's out there , forms of life and realities that will astound you .


Make no doubt about it . I've been trained in all forms of mechanics , if you are American , you've been duped by , who , I don't know ? But the mere fact that everything went wrong in the most heavily watched and guarded buildings on earth , in itself is preposterous . I feel for you and the victims of 911 , but worse , I feel for the authorities you've had to kneel to . Thugs , thieves , and murderers , May God take America back ?


Non ce una persona nel questo mundo che non e il mio compagnio , Io amo la vita , la batta del cuore die tutti le spirit nel mondo . Gli buoni , gli maloventi , tutti ano la storia de vita . Sei non acceti tutti , non sei capaccio di avere la justisia di essere compagno dei nessuno .


Hey all of the " End of Twentieth Century " Generation !
December 8 , " Jim Morrison's " , Birthday .
" Happy Birthday " .
 " Lizard King ".
I believe this denial of the moon landing to be from the fact that at the moment there's a large part of the population that didn't witness the event  as it happened .
I was very interested in the space race , as was the whole world at the time . Having followed it live there's no mistaking it . But history was made , how do you fake that ?
Perimeter pushing .
Change the tormentor .
You are constantly changing , with every new revelation , you change .
Change can hurt , but is a staple to our limited abilities of interpretation .
If we could interpret all around us we'd be lacking " Change " , our tormentor .
So what's Old becomes new Again , don't bother searching yourself , it'll just " Change " .
Gianfranco Fronzi . November / 29 / 2013


Thank you Father . It's a new age , new ways hurt to implement . We as the Human Race must take each of us into account .
    Because in another world " Something has to Die for Something Else to Live ", not in the world we are in now right ?
  We as the creature that creates and thinks as one , must push ourselves screaming like a new born into this new world .
  The child of the Poor and the Rich , it belongs to all of us not the Parents .
    Bless us Father do what Jesus said , it's time .

9.I've gotta put my two cents in . The people creating this conspiracy aren't ADHD, I am , and without the drug I'm vulnerable , with it I'm adaptable . Don't tell us whether it's good or bad , let us decide , the drug is my salvation .

A gentle , sensitive giant . A creature exploited because of their size and intelligence . There is no amount of apologies we could give , the only true gift would be to emulate it . I think the world would suddenly become void of need or safety , because we'd be to good to be true . This Christmas think of the baby elephants , as Ms. Sheldrick says , " they can read your heart you know ", well then they can feel your love from wherever they are .


Perimeter publishers .

Sometimes you set out for a destination in your world and all life reacting on yours causes a lesser trail to almost nothing , actually happening .

The key , ruthlessness , nip it in the bud .
You've got to get your stuff done , not languish in the doldrums of those not contributing to your life .

So rebel free yourself .
Gianfranco Fronzi . December / 10 / 2013 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Comments October / 11 / 2013


You know we should be grateful this horrendous weed is off the streets , you'd think it just grew right out of the ground where some person could just pick it and smoke it . Using a plant that grows from the Earth can't be tolerated . Just think of the implications . For one thing these type of people are always smiling and friendly , just that should send shivers up your spine . Then they get creative , Lord knows we've got enough of that . Plus it's a gateway drug , it leads to trying other Earthly plant extractions that leave them broke . I'm all for keeping natural God given tools in the hands of the authorities , then they can manage them . Remember keep it real .
Gianfranco Fronzi . March /9 / 2013


What is this a surprise for you ? Everybody knows this . The Italian peninsula wasn't like today and was ravaged by war . I didn't come to Canada because I had to ,but because my parents wanted too .They called for skilled trades.
We made a life that was as good as it gets here, in the free world , not handed to us no , we had to buy it with our blood , sweat and tears , but to get the life and the opportunity I had , would come later in Italy .And who the f--ck is Clara Prtacci ? shotspot007 .


You say " Any Social Contract starts with preventing worthless people like Salgado from breeding "?
Did you get an erection when you wrote that ? Your not a Libertarian at all , your a worthless pervert that likes sticking it to disparate mothers . Any Social Contract starts with preventing antisocial behavior like yours oh great one . When all of your type give something , people like Salgado should drop to their knees right in front of you right ? Well guess what I'll be real close to you , but I'll be behind you .


I don't care about  the past , and who's done what , I'm concerned with what happens from here . If not peace , both parties are a danger to the rest of the world . Don't take us lightly because we live in cold distant foreign countries , we're watching and we're tiered of both sides . It seems like the area is swollen with arrogant , ignorant , and stubborn people , both Jewish and Muslim .
Get over it or get out of it , your both insulting and dangerous to Earth .


Hello , I'm Canadian , lets not forget that our currency isn't handled by the government but by the large banks , like the Federal Reserve . They caused this and they will have to eat it . Also we've paid for our Chinese products with our own money we earned , we had no choice but to use the corrupted currency . Therefore let the fat cat bankers get themselves out of this , and pay off their responsibilities . Not one home should be lost or one penny paid from our pockets .
What is the most frightening word the Army could Hear ? It's the name of a small Italian creek , " Rubicon " . 
I ask how did a continent " America " , become insolvent ? When it holds most of the natural resources . We here in Canada  paid for our Chinese products with our own cash ,not by our Government ,and so have you in the U.S.. The transaction though was done using our countries currency .Therefore the people aren't 100% responsible . If we knew what we're doing do you think we'd be at war for no reason ? But Canada should be able to weather any storm ,About the U.S. ,get to know your neighborhood.


Perimeter pooches .

Dogs walked the streets .

I've been noticing a movement of thought that I feel could be overlooked . It might become the roots of a sociological decay ?

That being , that of the creatures , other than Mankind are fewer and more discriminated against where there are more humans .

I'm in a community that is in transition , I remember back when dogs walked the streets just like us .

Unconsidered of the people that feared dogs . Today they're trying to find a place for them to run free .

Unconsidered of the dog or it's manager .

But if you go further north of Sault Ste. Marie Ontario , you still see , what begins with , dogs beside they're managers , to people living in the wild as you resead from population .

The argument is that , I'm sure man lives better with more services , but mans likelihood of being killed or damaged by a human far outweighs the likelihood or the statistics of him being hurt by a nonhuman entity in the wild .

I think the statistics ratio of injuries from nonhuman to human are staggering compared to human and human .

Yet we work harder at suppressing the nonhuman and keep proliferating our worst enemy , ourselves .

We though need the nonhuman to really remind us of what true devotion is all about .

Who's loosing here ? You decide .

Gianfranco Fronzi . October 7 / 2013

Koko is intelligent enough to know she needs to be protected because of her difference , she would welcome the cage and leash and see them as freedom from what could possibly be out there . My murdered Pitt Bull Terrier knew that , yet they took his life lightly . He was innocent , they were the worst species , Mankind .

Anyone reading these words , you've got to view this video . Sure it's slick but it holds the words and inflections of a civil genius . George Carlin , who will take you on a trip inside yourselves . You looking for someone to emulate ? Here's the man , and he wasn't murdered or as he says assassinated . It's hilarious as it is moving . A real American treasure


I like this , good line , " It starts with Santa ", hilarious " ! Keep on Rocking in the free World bud .


Premier Putin is exactly right on most of his public interviews .
But we shouldn't forget , Words are only words , " But an accumulation of words ", can push a planet .
When a top ranking politicians speak publicly about one another the impersonal atmosphere robs the people of their security . Please all be careful  even on Youtube , because the words pile up into something insoluble .

12 .

You can take the shroud and destroy it . You can take away everything known to be related to Christ . It still doesn't explain , the fact that something extraordinary happened 2013 years ago . So extraordinary that people wrote about it and died for it . And today it lays the basis of modern thought still clutched by a large part of the planet . So the story is either a good fraud or an impossible fantasy . A fantasy that just won't die .
      You decide ?


I think the " heavy research ", in nuclear power should have been done a long time ago . The crying hasn't , or will be heard , on Fukushima . The first responders along with they're heroic Plant Manager , who died from the radiation , are all slowly dying .
Who's next ?


I'm not sure of what I've just watched ? I's this a type of religious promotional video ?
We don't care about the church giving us the " Possibility "  of  viewing the shroud ,

" Papa Mio ", we want cold blooded forensics .


Why do the religious beliefs stand taller than the heartfelt beliefs of the people ?
What happened in the past is history , it's what are these factions doing today that counts . We can't go back in time to find your future , but we can all walk into the future together .

Actually LadyB , when we say civilization , we're using our human definition by Default . 
The animals are in tune with the earth , they have installed in them
everything they need , quite liberating , why mess it up with human needs .


One way or the other you've got to suspect and rightly so that both parties are in on shutting down government , here in Canada the government pulls the same idea at oddly the same time .
They are employees , they can't shut down , if they do the people should ask for a new system to replace the ineffective one . It's your right and their responsibility .
                                             Strike now people .

War , a strange affair in this modern age . It's no longer used as defense but as a maneuvering tactic , as in moving other societies into the attackers way of thought . Or to garner the land and resources , all the while posing  as help ?
The greatest western empire known , the Roman , at least didn't lie for a reason , they told their victims exactly what was to happen .
The young soldier in the video though feels tricked into his position , but he should have read the fine print when he signed up for service , concentrating on the section that refers to , " You are being hired as a mercenary ", and you will do anything your ordered to do .
Otherwise there isn't any terrorists or weapons of mass destruction , you are seen as the terrorists , with those weapons , by the people that you so twistedly want to help .
 Don't insult our intelligence any further , because now the gigs up , and the world will charge you to the point of restricting  U.S. citizens or  military from travel , by court rule . In such a situation the country of freedom becomes the country of criminals that aren't wanted .
May God take America [U.S.] , back ?


Feast on this oh frozen ones .
If you promised someone that you would never tell a secret .
You've unbeknownst to you , have given yourself license to , " Lie ", because you might have to too keep the promise . And a promise is a promise .


I don't want to cause a ruckus , but  " Time changes for Nobody ". If you believe that synchronized atomic clocks are going to change because one goes for a fast ride , I've got some National Landmarks for Sale .                                                Also if Light is the fastest speed ,how could anything effect it ?
 Gravity effecting time please.
 When you turn the face of a clock, your changing your interpretation of time not time itself , so clocks don't go backwards for any reason .


I apologize for your Canadian wacko , but America is multicultural , it's foundation rapidly pieced together instead of evolving a history of insurmountable victories , the day America " Died".  Was undoubtedly , the JFK assassination , before his death Presidents were powerful yet brutally dedicated to their country . After the bullet took overb , Nixon , Johnson , Bush , I might as well be reading crime beat . The answer ? Nothing , you've sold yourselves , as we have in Canada ,no return just high hopes.

Gianfranco Fronzi . October . 11 / 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Comments , September . / 25 / 2013


It's time for a change .

 As people we can't change our governments , or reach the whole world to a common way of thought .

We can if we create a new religion .

I don't want your money , or your adulation , and I don't want to be it's founder or leader , you are .
So please insert all the good points about your religious beliefs , or personal beliefs , debate them , then agree or disagree on them .
What passes into the new religion is simply democratic , the most common thought Planetary wide is accepted .
Now I'm only one man , so help is needed .
But nobody can take from you what is already in you , so I will have to nudge you in your questioning .

Gianfranco Fronzi . September  / 1 / 2013


If the system that directs the vast and powerful , human species , decides to change themselves , and see a force that is worth allowing to happen ?
 Would if they did ? Would we too , be as careless about their status ?
Think my friends , all everybody wants is to be is friends .
Friends , my friends , are our acceptance of a certain character into our environment .
And they accepting ours .
So if possible , lets play our roles well .

Our selection of friends ?
Why do we allow friends ?
Why do we allow them back ?
For good or malice  , whichever , the reason , we need friends .

There seems to be a large piece of information we don't see ?
Because the buildings  collapse doesn't follow the weakened burned side , but falls as one entire unit .
I'm not an expert , or was I there to see what happened , but the impossible happened .
The building as one structure collapsed into a small pile . The fire chief says to include him in a conspiracy is insulting , well for you to tell us that a collapse such as that from a fire in one corner , is insulting us .

Of course the woman was waving at the camera it's the only thing that can see her .
So in other words , where the plane impact was , there wasn't any burn ?
Well those two buildings could have come down at any time regardless of a airplanes impact , the buckling could have occurred from any shifting .

Jimmy Carter has no reason to overstate himself , Israel was downtrodden at ww2 , We helped them return to their old ground . What did we get in return ? More war and death on our own soil . A great gift wouldn't you say ? We handed the downtrodden a license to behave as the oppressors . When the United Nations elected to not attack the middle east , they destroyed a United Nations observation post , killing all the observers , and continued to attack  . Are you getting the message .


We are now trying our new ring drive on our vessel , it's a new system that emits thrust as a spinning ring .

This would theoretically allow us greater speeds without having to disassembled and emit ourselves .

Alright Gentleman everyone at their places .

Alright helm start at the lowest setting .

Yes Sir .

Sir , the x particle has just apeard .

Now what ? Any emissions ?

Yes Sir , in plain layered graphics .

Can you read the first layer ?

Yes it is a question .

It says " Why Are You So Cheap "?

It seems to synchronize with our movement to which layer we can read , in other words , the faster we go the viewable next layer is exposed .

This ties in with our new toroidal engines .

Go to next layer .

Yes Sir .

Gianfranco Fronzi . September / 18 / 2013


 It is simple , but what about property ownership . Who lost their properties illegally ?
Who even now wants more ? The solution isn't one of survival , but of giving and asking for solutions , putting out your hand and dying because of it would be against all civility . There's the power .


 I went and checked this out and it's one of the most unbelievable behavior that a power of authority could do . They actually killed an 96 year old man because he choose to live life on his terms . This definitely shouldn't go unpunished , the officers that pushed the limits of sanity shouldn't loose their jobs but will have to be forced to be security at a nursing home .

Gianfranco Fronzi .  September . / 25 /2013


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September / 11 / Comments from the web


The land will have to be federal , otherwise they're stealing from citizens .


If you are a sentient being , you've heard all the stories , heard all the news .
Well let's live it .
If we don't , then we're as guilty as the entities we criticize .
Let's all play our Roles Well , and with reason , and hope .


Our selection of friends ?
Why do we allow friends ?
Why do we allow them back ?
For good or malice  , whichever , the reason , we need friends .


 I wasn't born in Italy , I wasn't born in Canada ,
        " I was Born On Planet Earth "


It's to bad but this would make us all murderers if we don't stop it .

"No more smokin and feelin tense
When I see them a come
I don't have to jump no fence "
... Peter Tosh
I've been a Lion fan and still am , but watching these Elephants , the tiny ones , the way they live and their lives that you would love them to all live . They capture your heart , I don't ever want it back .
If the system that directs the vast and powerful , human species , decides to change themselves , and see a force that is worth allowing to happen ?
 Would if they did ? Would we too , be as careless about their status ?
Think my friends , all everybody wants is to be is friends .
Friends , my friends , are our acceptance of a certain character into our environment .
And they accepting ours .
So if possible , lets play our roles well .
Beautiful picture , a serenity we can all hypnotize ourselves on . OF course serenity is a lot more serene when you've got weapons on you . No veiled threat to anyone , just agree or disagree , then we all would be able to gauge our positions in this picture ..
10 .
It's time for a change .

 As people we can't change our governments , or reach the whole world to a common way of thought .

We can if we create a new religion .

I don't want your money , or your adulation , and I don't want to be it's founder or leader , you are .
So please insert all the good points about your religious beliefs , or personal beliefs , debate them , then agree or disagree on them .
What passes into the new religion is simply democratic , the most common thought Planetary wide is accepted .
Now I'm only one man , so help is needed .
But nobody can take from you what is already in you , so I will have to nudge you in your questioning .

Gianfranco Fronzi . September  / 1 / 2013
Harper , I refer to you as Mr. because I don't think your my Prime Minister . You have stolen everything my generations gave up their bodies for , our sight , our ability to walk , to hear , to live . You've upped the Old Age Pension , you've lost large sums of money , you've committed us to positions the Canadian Public don't agree with , therefore you're not working for us , you were hired to do what Canada wants , not what an unseen reason wants .
Hello , Natasha .
    I don't know how you found me to be the person capable of this action ? But I do touch on the untouchable .
A curse is regarded as something that is put on you by someone else , and is malicious .
In actuality it is a self propagating series of real natural forces and mass , and personal directions that the cursed do and believe themselves , funneling themselves towards the curse end results , which is to the cursed  , " A feeling of having paid for the reason the curse was made ".
Because after all a curse has a reason to be cast .
If you believe that you were born cursed , you aren't , your in a depressing self imposed curse .
You say that you know in the back of your mind that what you say is true .
Does this mean , that the curse is true in your mind or that the curse is  " not being believed ".
Whichever , your saying that , you or people that your dealing with have doubts .
You , concerning the actual existence of a curse , or people doubting  you , is the curse ?
Whatsoever you have a reason for the curse " you've done something to have it ".
Therefore if self imposed because it's a true reaction to something you've done , here is the first step .
1. Refer to a Doctor of psychological medicine , and tell him everything about yourself and your curse .
2. Return to the incident of the curses inception , that being , the reasons of it , and the person or people that you feel put it in you . Then , you publicly and unashamedly admit to having done a wrong and would like forgiveness , in this scenario your admission of the mistake , whether forgiven or not , has  lifted the curse , as in [ The truth will set you free].
If you aren't capable of doing this first cleansing none other will work either .
2. If you aren't in situation number 1 . and you've been cursed over jealousy or blackmail , You need a group of words or talisman to protect you or remove the curse .
Words such as this well known magic spell ; "Though I Walk through the Valley of Death I shall fear no Evil , for You are With Me " ; even these words turn a helpless soul to having the greatest force in thought walking along with them .
  A talisman would be from a special stone or gem to anything in nature , picked by a seer or by you if you feel it has the right sense or vibrations . This too must be kept in certain ways and periods , sometimes forever .
In aftereffect this next step removes the fear and clears away the lingering of any bad blockages , from mistakes that can no longer be repaired , to insults of life such as stillborn babies , or accidental damage you may have caused .
  " You find a spot to sit where you are undisturbed and feel good about , you must sit on a flat surface as in floor , ground , or rock , not in a chair , cross the legs but comfortably not like yoga or known eastern practices , comfort because your breath is the action your going to concentrate on . With your breathing diaphragm unrestricted ,
 You then turn your head to the right with eyes closed you start recalling everything about the start and even smells of your troubles .
You then , while slowly turning your head to the left , inhale deeply through your nose , all the while crunching all your recollections to end with your head , eyes still closed , with a full diaphragm of air , to your left side , hold your head and breath in left limbo for a bit , then turning your head to the right with more force you blow out to emptiness all the while blowing away all your relation to the problem , you are now cleaned out it's done .
Natasha there's more but it took me two days to pen this , I apologize but I'm very busy , I hope this helps .
Remember I'm not a professional , and your on your own responsibility .
Thanks .
Gianfranco Fronzi . September  / 2 / 2013
14 .
You understand gibberish ? Thats a good thing , because your terrible with English .
I'm outta here .
15 .
It's time for a change . As people we can't change our government or reach the whole world to a common way of thought , we can if we create a new religion . I don't want your money , or your adulation , and I don't want to be it's founder or leader , you are .
So please insert all the good points about your religious beliefs , or personal beliefs , debate them , then agree or disagree on them .
What passes into the new religion is simply democratic , the most common thought Planetary wide is accepted .
Now I'm only one man , so help is needed .
But nobody can take from you what is already in you , so I will have to nudge you in your questioning . Gianfranco Fronzi . September  / 1 / 2013
16 .
Nuclear energy is the biggest failure of the twentieth century .
If all nuclear use isn't stopped now as in , submarines , ships , steam generation[electricity ], any form , we're doomed, and now it's possibly to late ?
Imagine a nuclear submarine accidentally opening it's reactors and bombs in deep ocean ? No you say ? It's already happened ,the  Kursk , and others . But they say no radiation escaped ? Just imagine . Armageddon .Nuclear energy is the biggest failure of the twentieth century .
If all nuclear use isn't stopped now as in , submarines , ships , steam generation[electricity ], any form , we're doomed, and now it's possibly to late ?
Imagine a nuclear submarine accidentally opening it's reactors and bombs in deep ocean ? No you say ? It's already happened ,the  Kursk , and others . But they say no radiation escaped ? Just imagine . Armageddon .
On this planet there's a certain tune or vibration to all life . Every form of life is in tune with it except for one , The Human [ Homo Nonsapient ] .
When the humans realize their disparity by the loss of other species or the loss of they're ability to survive , they will then know how precious the other species were .
Unfortunately it will be to late . I won't miss you .
18 .
This is Enlightening , it shows a genius and hero of the modern age , Thomas Alva Edison , the thief who stole the idea of the light bulb , proving that man will kill anything , including himself , to prove that another more gifted man , [ who as you can see was right ] , that this  man is wrong . As an observer could anyone fill me in because I'm new here , How exactly did your species survive ?
Oh k . I've noticed nobody creating events , so , o.k.
Will everybody back away from their viewing  screens , preferably stand by the door of your room with proper safety coverage on your exposed parts . I will now try to Create the event , event , the energy required could put the human race back into dark ages , or this Creating an event , event will be the answer to all our problems , just like Nuclear Energy was supposed to be .
So here goes .
I , I , I , I , I , I , I , o.k. lets try something else .
Can , can , can , can , wow this is hard , lets try this .
give , give , give , give ,give , nope , hold on I'm going to try raising my tinfoil antennas up past my head a bit rem------------------------------------------
I wouldn't recommend buying precious metals , you can't eat them , smoke them or snort them . They're useless in turmoil .
Why are the western forces interfering on the other side of the world ?
It's not just oil , I believe it's just sanctioned robbery and murder , to set up a paying regime . America we don't know you anymore .
Gianfranco Fronzi . September  / 11 / 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Comments Fronzi .August /26 / 2013

What did you expect ? A different color doesn't change the bullets . President Obama is doing a juggling act to appease everyone . But here's the chance to make a difference .
President Obama was Quoted as saying , " I Wish an Upwelling of the people would give me some direction ", he's asking for a reason to save his ass by having the people take their responsibilities , which they should . You want your dollars from the fed , well he doesn't want to get shot, so speak up .Or shut up sheep .

bowtie , I live on the Michigan border and have had many good relations with the U.S. As people your some of the best . Maybe I've  been lucky , but I've traveled all over the States and didn't see a police state , I was treated well and helped as well as possible . You see the rest of the world only hears what the get from media , what would you think from that view ? Get your government back as a service , not a thug .


Don't you see , it's the way it is .
I wish I could just wave my hand and make everything right but I can't .
What will correct any imbalances is what is in the souls of the guilty .
This is workable .
Relax it's already in gear .
I feel for the family , but there's still officials that you can contact .

4" The Good Old Days ", What does this referral mean ? That things have gotten worse ? That doesn't make sense ? Or does it ?
What someone saying the good old days , usually means certain aspects that the person  selects from memory .
Well I'm from the era of sex drugs and rock and roll , take it from there .
Example : Blasting back and forth down main street on my Harley , drunk as a drunk .
The night police guys egging me on with the rest of the crowd , and then they tell me o.k. straight home Fronz Your to drunk .
Now that was the good old days .

Could we see some real time photos or video from the many cameras the Pentagon , the building that houses the most powerful military complex on earth . Has .
It's been 10 years , I do believe any secrecy isn't needed now . Why isn't the present administration exposing what the answers are ? Don't mess with our heads and finish this , cause it's not entertaining . It's nightmarish , to the regular people of earth to not know .And destroys America as it was known .


China , your credibility as a modern forward society is at question if the need for raw ivory is not surmountable by your authority . Stop this trade otherwise it's comparable to killing the Mona Lisa so you can paint her . We're not perfect but we're still justified to criticize you on this one . Ivory trade is pandemically illegal , enforce the law , otherwise we could shop somewhere else , India maybe ?


This is why a book that is a compilation of ancient writing , translated many times an d through many offshoots , can become dangerous . Whomever questions a book isn't questioning the books main character , but it's authors .

Snow on , is a U.S. plant to see who is for or against the US ., They can't defeat a disease that a single doctor did alone in cats , yet they can give you an exact date they're going to turn the lights off ?
  " Black flag ", cover your communities , from your federalist authorities .


Mr. Williams Johnson you wouldn't even get your belt undone in front of Perseus , I don't want too , but I like his selection . You don't fuck something you love . So you're even of my list . But I know the hard task of deciding what I do want to fuck today . So stay out of our way cause me and Perseus might like your deodorant .


At the academy of the musical arts , universities Fronzi Megaworks , we've decided to petition this song as the best love inspired tune " Streets of Love " , by the
 " Rolling Stones " .
Top comment , " If you miss your chance at true love , You will walk the streets of love for a thousand years .


Thanks for a fabulous evening , your video is so uplifting , even though you're rehashing the same doom and gloom we hear everywhere else .
Why don't you tell us about some apocalyptic rock about to jam itself up our refuse orifices ?
 Relax it's all part of the show , all we can hope for , " Is to Play Our Roles Well "


Another tragedy because of imposing drug laws . What a dismal failure to your citizens , making criminals because of their inability to get and use drugs , you're the only ones that can do that , so "  Governments are the Biggest Drug Dealers of All ".


Give us your poor , your downtrodden , your persecuted . I didn't know Canada was going to safe harbor gays , our system though towards homosexuality is the most logical and modern on earth . We're not fools though and refugee applicants are checked for validity . If your looking for the light Canada with all it's diversity is still North America's real world , at least we're not homophobes . Only real men can accept and not feel threatened by gays .


I've got nothing to say , I didn't see or hear a thing , and I can't explain the BBC reporting it earlier . 
                                                    Why ?
I don't have to , Mr. " Jowenko " did it for me .


People of the night have different ways of getting energy than people of the daylight .
 It's nothing sinister , just another way that a spirit collect's it's energy .
Maybe daylight is too much for that spirit ?
" Hello Darkness my Old Friend , You've come To Visit Me Again ",
                   [Simon & Garfunkel ].

Have you ever wished that every human on earth would disappear , and you could just be here by yourself with just the animals ?
Well you are .


Some people's junk are another persons gold .
Want to know why ?
 Because a broken vehicle has more to say than one in perfect shape .
Then you get to learn the language of your vehicle and this language syncs with other languages .
Now isn't that knowledge worth more than gold ?


If you miss your chance at true love .
 You will walk the streets of love for a thousand years .

Why would you say something like that , you need attention ?
To me you are what you say the gorilla is . Because bonds as strong as this are  made because of need , the gorilla knew life would be safer and happier with the man . The man was just visiting and couldn't give the gorilla false hope . But the gorilla following him and waiting all night ? Grow up gorilla .

 Gianfranco Fronzi . August  / 26 / 2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Comments . July / 24 / 2013

Facebook attack on America

Hello , to all America .
We here at the Fronzi Lair in the most solid impenetrable rock on the planet , the Canadian Shield .
  We have assembled our military division , which is made up of ex U.S. military , now our mercenaries . Your military is practically useless to our modern weapons .
We have assembled ourselves at the border of the United States , and we , at my signal will enter the United States and subdue it's authorities .
Reports from our intelligence reveals that the United States is
                     "Harboring Weapons of Mass Destruction "
The people have lost control and reports of government corruption , including ; murder [of their citizens and abroad ] , false  imprisonment , theft , non responsible behavior , amongst many illegal activities .
Don't worry America we'll set you free . { 3.30 pm . July  / 15 / 2013}
The Force .

Facebook reply to retirees .

Yea it's like saying , "D worry will give you a hamburger on Tuesday ", then forgetting your aged all together . I can see this happening in the States but Canada , home of the fee and land of the slave , no way .
3.  Youtube time correction .
Well you obviously have right ? Do you believe that time changes because you're at a higher level than me , if our watches were in sync . May I ask you a question ? Taking into consideration you are far from me and in a different time zone , what time is it for both of us ? My answer , it's "now" , just because it's daylight somewhere it's still "now" isn't it ? In a spacecraft its still "now" isn't it ? There's only one time zone all over the universe ,"now", do you see? No changes.
John Lennon saying posted on my facebook.
" Leave a Door Open ", now did you learn something new ?
Why was this man killed ? Why didn't what he felt deeply about [ Peace ], happen ?
It seems to be at this point that war is waged just to keep the war machine going ? Nobody except , extremists still practice it . Their intent is to bizarre to just say there even is an intent .John Lennon was always my favorite Beatle , he was the super geek that played cool music  while chewing gum . He was a major catalyst to the Beatles and the world .
Youtube John Lennon's relationship with Yoko.
Are you young ? If you are ? You would have trouble seeing John Lennon's and Yoko's relationship . It will make sense to you when you've gained experienced . In simple words , John needed someone to tell him he's absolutely right , and Yoko was doing what every woman from the street to her highness gets into a relationship for , the money . It works though in the way that he new he was in the right , yet without Yoko as the catalyst it might not have happened ?
  Youtube reply on United States in Syria .
Oh want to help again .You guys are the greatest. I've never seen such heartfelt goodness as I've seen from the United States in the last fifty years .Who would have known that it could get better ? With all the outpouring of help from the United States a lot of problems were really corrected .The anti States people are the ones the States wants to help the most , Then when they get that help they realize that it is absolutely free , just like America , " Land of the Fee And Home of the Slave ".
Petion on Canadian Revolution .
Canada lacks an Identify , it's people see themselves as foreigners , it's time to fly on our own . British power of absolute veto gives a rogue government willing to corrupt the Royals can do anything . Canada no longer is a British chattel , it's a diverse multicultural nation . Let's drop this aging insult we've accepted for to many years . Lets prorogue the prorogue the prorogues . Set us free . We aren't just looking for our future in the world , I'm sure we are the future .
Gianfranco Fronzi . July  / 16 / 2013
America and America now , Youtube .
At one time America would have to be forced by great danger to go to war .
This is when God was on their side . Now they troll the world helping even when they're not asked , your armies aren't for foreign attackers , no they are mercenaries who attack anyone that fits into the games of the ones that have the money .You've been duped , those boys that died in war after ww2 were just living dolls for the moneyed to waste . Does God stand on your side now ?
 Youtube Leonardo Da Vinci reply .
True Leonardo finished his projects in his head , what we see is comparable to todays sticky notes . He didn't want his ideas stolen or called witchcraft  . You will notice his writing on the design , on the bottom it obviously tilted to the left , on the top its straight up, this indicates he was ambidextrous and could access both temporal lobes of his brain . Sure you can say this is simple stuff, but for the era he lived it was uncommon .
Canadian revolution , petition preamble .
This is important to me because it's important to Canadians , our position , and our freedom . We have to be taken seriously , because I believe the future of America belongs to Canada .
Baby Boomers Bible
Are we gonna give up now , this worked before it will again . Hey brother , it's just a shot away , hey sister, it's just a kiss away . It's our time to speak Baby boomers , or are we just gonna do like everybody before us and fade away ?
Youtube rebut on Romans were pussies .
Oh , then the whole foundation of the western world , an era spanning a thousand years , constantly spoken of ,
Was run and created by pussies ? I guess the Romulans on Star Trek were mercenaries ?
  Stewart , I've seen that name in Roman archives , it comes up with the removal of hands of starving useless Scotts who raided at night for food .
Reply Youtube overtaxation .
I've already got the air tax figured out , they weigh you , then you are made to breath deeply into a volume chamber , then they take all the numbers and calculate it monthly .
Their reason ; " It costs money to keep the air breathable .
I hope no politicians read this ?
Youtube world war three rebut .
The Chinese I'm sure don't want anything other than their bill paid .
So pay your bill America , Your itching for war ? Your crazy if you do , because China doesn't raise it's children on a long dead dream of freedom , they're for real .
So pay your bills . Giving land as a payment makes complete sense , look at the deal  you got off the American Natives .
Creation post you tell me ?
Ask yourself , why does most of creation have , two eyes , two ears , one nose with two apertures , four limbs , one head , one intake , one waste expelling , one heart ,etc.?
Why ?  " Intelligent design of Conscious intelligence ".
  Facebook help to the masses .
If you don't see it ?  You won't understand it .
If you can't understand it ?   You will fear it .
If you fear it ?   Your are it , it is in you .
Capice ?
 Youtube Einstein .
The key phrase here is , " was a great read ".
Do you believe that two clocks , set at the exact time and one goes as fast as light , the one that went tripping would be different than the other ? Also if light is the fastest known movement , why does everything effect it and stop it, or bend it, or hold it back ? Much like the black hole that's been telling you the world is flat ?
18. Quote from Plato.
Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood let alone believed by the masses. – Plato
Giving shit to Microsoft .
Your already in our computers all the time with updates , so you should auto fixed the system . What have I purchased  a complete system or an ongoing experiment ? Cause I can't even install updates except for Security Essentials .
Humanities flub , comments
The Question is , Why do you Question Yourself ?
Why because your the creature that isn't comfortable with itself .
Why ? Because your natural power has been taken from you .
You don't even notice the day you'll sell out .
But it's rooted in you , if you were a good kid your usually a good Adult .
How would you like to set yourself free ?
   Do you feel it , it's already happening isn't it ?
Strength , peace , honor , and stay clear of entities that are going different ways or higher orders .
As once said : " Your Either part of the Solution , or Your Part of the Problem ".
Gianfranco Fronzi . July  / 16 / 2013
Gianfranco Fronzi . July  / 24 / 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

Comments , July / 5 / 2013

1 .  Facebook vote rant .

 Whatever you do remember that even if you destroy your ballot show up to vote , otherwise the pollsters will vote for you . Yes the voting system is that easy to be fraudulently used by corrupt poll personnel .
You don't even know you voted , or for whom because they just stroke your name and check a ballot for their favorites . Get up get out and be there or shut up and flock together and have a good cry .
Gianfranco Fronzi . July / 4 / 2013

2.  Facebook similarities in life ,

Hey you helpless freaks , it's Fronzi's power hour .
If you look closely , you will notice , most species of life on earth have the same similarity , from fish to birds , mammals , the same rules seem to follow a pattern ?
  That being two eyes , one nose , two ears , one head , four limbs .
  This I believe is where we find our origins , and gives power to the intelligent   
   design, or God , belief .
This isn't an oversight but a pattern . If we do fined alien life , and they too fit the pattern , it's got to be universal .
Gianfranco Fronzi . July  /4 / 2013                " Happy birthday U.S.A "

3. Youtube Bush rant .

I , at the time questioned the purpose of looking for weapons of mass destruction .
 You've got some real stupid , and above the truth and the law .
But yet so stupid they don't even bring some evidence to plant as a lie . Even police carry a spare gun to plant on a victim . But I see the world tiring of your runaway politicians , and they are charged . Funny the only safe place is in their own country ?

4. Youtube reply to a dead cell doesn't replicate .The argument put forth in this video is kind of weak , of course the dead are going to remain dead . But life's complexities bear an opposite of what lives , that being another cell eating or absorbing the dead cells remains . Thus life goes on . I still don't believe in evolution as a catalyst , billions of years means not enough time to go from barren planet to homo sapiens .

5. Facebook connectivity rant and ripoff scam .Hello Faciabookers , I've just returned from an internet nightmare .
 Don't believe anyone saying on the phone they're your provider , these people somehow find out you're having connection problems and call you to help you fix it .
They actually hijack your computer and then demand payment to fix it for you .
 Always double check authorization of any phone call pertaining to your computer . This happened to me , can you believe it ?

6.  Facebook Elephants money .

We as humans can't afford a perfect world .
But we can afford a perfect world for the elephants , let's spend our huge squandered wealth on these type of efforts , not on better ways of killing ourselves !

7. Youtube reply to Rothchild position .The words " high and mighty " are always used by a person that is faced with the truth . You believe everything you read , have you actually seen a Rothschild running down the street with a sacrificial baby for the devil ? It doesn't matter anyway these people have been called everything in the book , what people think ? You've gotta be super rich to know poverty .

8.  Snowden rant .

Concerning Snowden , Did he actually perform a treasonous act ? Isn't it a citizens duty in the U.S. to expose any illegal activities ? Also , is He actually doing this as a citizen or as a rehearsed act for the government to draw attention away from other illegal activities ? Why does he run ? I believe in standing up for my actions , yet he runs over the world exposing who's side each country has picked .
Give yourself up Snowden . Or shut up .

9. World government rant .World Government , the whole planet under one government ? A natural next step , but we can't keep track of our own local governments ? A decision on global government should be from the elders of each zones or country . But do you actually think your going to get a pompous few , give up power ? Ha!

10. Snivelers , my reply .Give me a break , this looser attitude isn't the way to think .
Where every your feet touch Mother Earth , you rule , civil , but in charge of your life .
When it gets to big , you get bigger , and when it to much to fight , you die fighting .
Nobody knows you better .

11. Youtube Rothschild video .

I just watched a civilized man comport himself quite well , all the negative remarks are blaming him for being rich . Well get of your ass and build  an empire .
  But these people probably think , why should we give any money , look what people think of us ?
" You can't handle poor , until you've had it all ".

12.  True story mine .

Do you want to read a true account of a biking story ?
I promise you this actually did happen .
I left the Sault for Calgary in October , with my old Pan , chopped into the first Wide Glide , no front fender , just pegs , and cobra style seat .
Well I go through cold biting weather , this was the year Star Wars came out , I watched it in Calgary , that's how I remember . Well in the middle of night , can't find a town in the badlands , it starts to snow , I was doomed but I couldn't stop .
  As I'm fighting sleet , a trucker passes me and slows down in front of me , all of a sudden ,  no snow , I'm in his vortex , six feet between him and me .
I follow close when he flashes his left turn signal , I took it to pass him , and I did , he then passes me flashing his interior lights , honking his horn .
But he wasn't alone , a convoy of men in transport trucks kept me in their vortex until I found civilization .
These men I will never know , but they did this .
  That my friends , is the Canada I want to remember .

13 . Youtube .

The library was invented thousands of years ago .
It took that long to reach YouTube , it's revolutionized humanity , now the tailor is  sizing the clothes  with his client , the comedian has all his past shows in succession , and the unknown is picked apart by people all over the World .
Let's not go backwards , we've just begun .

14.   Rockefeller

According to these words , and how they're interpreted , Mr. Rockefeller is guilty of treason . On the other hand he could be saying he's helping to create what is inevitable , world government .

15. Evolution reply . Youtube .

Sure it was languages and teamwork , but languages developed with the addition of words , such as , Don't touch that food or I'll bash your skull in . You don't eat . I'm the only one that breeds .

16 . Youtube World War Three .

Ask yourself , why would the US. or President Obama want nuclear war ?
Why would they use a slim news story like Snowden is a criminal , to divert your attention from Syria ? No I don't think it ties in , because Snowden is already a has been , and Syria is a bigger story.Does the US. government believe NATO, is actually going to stand together in unjust warfare ? It better hold it's friends close and their enemies closer,because it's credibility is in the negative.And world is laying charges

17.  Ultimate defined , Facebook .

When you say the " Ultimate " your not saying the very top of the question , ultimate means , the last one , the end of the line , in Latin .
The point of "Singularity " , is the "Ultimate Machine ".

Gianfranco Fronzi . July  / 5 / 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Comments June / 19 2013

1. Youtube

Hello , I really don't know how mankind came about , but if you do the math there isn't enough time to evolve an eyeball let alone a human . If you'll notice there's similarities in most of all the entities that have lived on earth , from dinosaurs to buffalo , that being , two eyes , four limbs , two ears , one mouth , one nose , one tail , and on .
Therefore we seem to all emerge from a similar idea , in us is a pot full of everything . And evolution can't answer how survival tactics evolved .

2.   Youtube

This man is an actor with one agenda , to make you confused enough to doubt that three well structured buildings all fell into themselves . My friends that doesn't happen .
"  911 ,The day everything in America Went Wrong ".

3. Youtube.
You might have corrupt murdering politicians , but they're stupid ones at least .
They didn't think of planting WMD'S , or thinking that three buildings imploding would just be like the JFK assassination .

4. Facebook.
Left , Right , the whole f--kin world is going to rot in a radioactive Chinese oil slick .
F--k it !
Our worst problem is modern governments that aren't in tune with why they're in government .
Why does the right wing always say , less government , and then uses it to give less in , money , protection of money , more laws of imposition , less environmental , and more sacrificial . Yet they steal billions .
And the left having to duke it out with rightwing thugs just to get in their limousine ?
Listen puppies , it's very easy , we just take the whole thing and flush it . And replace it with bankers . They'd be so greedy they'd make us happy if we invest in their bank .
The bank with the most clientele is our next government .
  Yes , just like Mr. Drysdale sucking up to Jed Clampet for his heaping helping of hospitality , we'd all be rich .
Gianfranco Fronzi

5. Youtube
The harder you push , the harder they'll push back. Don't listen President Obama .
War for wars sake isn't sane . Spend the money on life and organization , The African wildlife and people .The overhaul of the banks , they won't kill you if America demands it .
Gianfranco Fronzi

6. Youtube
Your president Bush has been charged and is wanted outside of the United States .

7. Facebook
" For what reason to aspire for anything when the remainder is worse than the aspiration ?"
Gianfranco Fronzi 6/13/13

8. Youtube
Gianfranco Fronzi 1 second ago
What do you think an Elephant is doing when he just stops and stares away ?

9.  Facebook

I am now going to destroy the theory of evolution as described by Charles Darwin .
As we know living creatures , even Humans , when very young , or within the time of birth , They lack a strong odor , correct ?
My argument is , " How did we Evolve the tactic of Repression of scent "  , it's impossible , to evolve a tactic your not aware of being necessary , or even saving your life when your life has started ?
Sound right ?
Rebuttals are always welcomed .
Gianfranco Fronzi . June /13 / 2013


Perimeter ponders .

We shall never understand the whole picture .

Because it doesn't belong to us .

Like some Freakish episode of the " Twilight Zone ", we play our roles .

But as freakish as the episode was , it always has an ending , a twist ending , but an ending .

We will never end , because we can't just start or just end . " Guided Intelligent Energy ".

Arrivederci babies .

Gianfranco Fronzi . June / 12 / 2013

11. Youtube

I didn't know of this historical fact until now .
Jacqueline Kennedy did the only thing she could , wear that bloodstained dress to all after ceremonies .
A woman of a certain strength wouldn't you say ?

12.  Youtube
I'm not picking any parts because I like them .
It's their ability to make sense and sound plausible .
Otherwise I don't read to entertain myself , I only read to learn something . Thanks .

13. Youtube
Animals demand respect , abrupt motions and commanding words are disrespectful to the animals . So the return with the same type of roughshod type of behavior , but they're stronger and larger than man .
Kind words and friendly demeanor get more rational response . Otherwise leave them alone .

14. Youtube

When a group of young soldiers go into a foreign land the fact that the people there don't live like back home is enough reason to see them as lesser or not worthy of life .
What you've just seen is the way it is , and if you think that this is just going to blow over , well your president Bush can't leave the States . You've insulted the world , now your the insult to their intelligence , and they aren't stupid or afraid to do their part in repairing your fu--in country .

15. Youtube.
Welcome to the real world . You can beg all you want , these type of people don't have a flexible character , only when their 10 year girl needs lungs , then some back room deals start cooking . Yep , welcome to the real world .

16 . Youtube

Gianfranco Fronzi 2 days ago
Yea they're a mucky bunch , all they want to do is fuck our women and party like as if they still rule the world . Just because they discovered , invented and fucked everything , they think they're cool . I'll tell you those wops came to America and stole our jobs from us , I watched them work after I quit my sewage cleaning job and they were building ornate doors and stuff,like who needs fancy work just a piece of plywood would do.When I found out my wife was sneaking away to fuck them I cried.

Gianfranco Fronzi . June  /19 / 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

comments June / 12 / 2013

 1. Youtube elephants attack .
Animals demand respect , abrupt motions and commanding words are disrespectful to the animals . So the return with the same type of roughshod type of behavior , but they're stronger and larger than man .
Kind words and friendly demeanor get more rational response . Otherwise leave them alone .

2. Soldier Youtube denouncing his crimes and behavior .
When a group of young soldiers go into a foreign land the fact that the people there don't live like back home is enough reason to see them as lesser or not worthy of life .
What you've just seen is the way it is , and if you think that this is just going to blow over , well your president Bush can't leave the States . You've insulted the world , now your the insult to their intelligence , and they aren't stupid or afraid to do their part in repairing your fu--in country .

3.  Young girl Youtube denied lungs because of age
Welcome to the real world . You can beg all you want , these type of people don't have a flexible character , only when their 10 year girl needs lungs , then some back room deals start cooking . Yep , welcome to the real world .

4. youtube wop response . rebut .
Gianfranco Fronzi 2 days ago
Yea they're a mucky bunch , all they want to do is fuck our women and party like as if they still rule the world . Just because they discovered , invented and fucked everything , they think they're cool . I'll tell you those wops came to America and stole our jobs from us , I watched them work after I quit my sewage cleaning job and they were building ornate doors and stuff,like who needs fancy work just a piece of plywood would do.When I found out my wife was sneaking away to fuck them I cried.

5. youtube Colbert vs Orightly
I think the responses for a planned interview aren't possible , nobody can respond off the cuff like these two are unless it's choreography . And I don't see it .
The give away is Orightlys ego he's flattered and wants payment , Colbert had already anticipated that demand and had the "Imitation /emulation reply prepared .
Colbert is good . Orightly is hilarious , we love you Bill .

6. Youtube old retired fbi conspiracies .
I've had it , I've seen older men like this all over North America . If that's all that this is coming down to is talking stories that never end ? There's very little I can add any further , so I'm moving on .
I Apologize but I'm just an observer .
Goodbye .

7. Youtube 911.
All anybody has is the evidence collected the days after the planes disintegrated , or lack of . Now if the buildings,and 7 , fell into their own footprints ,isn't strange to you, your a fool,and I'm done even paying attention to you untruthers .The events of the whole day?How does everything fail for America ? We're talking Pentagon , as I recall a bug couldn't crawl towards it?Give us a break quit this revolving bullshit so you can work together on solving how to get back up.

8. Reply to location .
Yes I live in Canada , on the border crossing at the tip of the mitt of Michigan , so I've interacted with many U.S. citizens . And I know that in a country your size there's all types of people , but on average I've had no problems with U.S. people , even your law enforcement was reasonable , the rest of the world though doesn't get to meet you and can't see it personally , so if what they hear is trash , they can't put a person to it , so your president becomes your Avatar .

9.Youtube Obama paying for Bush.
I'm not from the United States , and never watch television , so most of the media news I get is from the net or word of mouth . So I'm not fully knowledgeable on Your President Obamas accusations or scandals . I'm just trying to pass on a feeling that this Obama is paying for the backlash created by the last President Bushes nightmare ?
If I'm wrong , you've got a fine mess going on down there , how did it come to this ?

10. Jon Stewart , Youtube
This comedian Jon Stewart ,is hilarious.I've been searching for a clip from a David Letterman show from before Bush was elected .
In it I saw immediately that the United States was in trouble .
It shows Bush entering a room where an employee was trying to move a desk by himself , Bush knowing cameras were on him picked up the other end of the desk that the worker was dragging , well a camera flashed and Bush unknowing that film was also running dropped his end of the desk , a total asshole move

11. Girl not given diploma because of feather in hat.
Sometimes things happen and it takes a series of events for them to funnel down to
  • Final results in this case were stacked against the feather symbol . It is a prime example of something isn't right here , the girl by doing the proper thing and announcing her desire to wear the feather , resulted in anguish and then defeat , if she would have said nothing she'd probably have gotten away with it . the
final results .

This is why you've got to ask yourself , what wrong with this picture ?
She's denied her diploma ? Over the feather ? Or over rebellion ? In both questions you've gotta question yourself , and say " I really wouldn't want my child to go to that school , because winning a battle is a big thing to a young person , and to this person it meant an assertion of her heritage , culture and race ". Therefore the school even though it being private , is breaking the laws of discrimination , which were won long ago . They are picking an accepted symbol of national levels , and discriminating against it . Would they do the same for the United States symbol on a breast sewn   jacket patch , or Jamaican colored ribbon ?
 Gianfranco Fronzi . June / 8 / 2013


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Comments , May 31 /2013

1. Sault star electricity use .

Turn extra electricity into hydrogen , by running it right into lakes or ponds .
Then store hydrogen , in tanks , either burn it later for electricity , or sell it .
Thank you .
Gianfranco Fronzi


Youtube Soloman  caretaker of injured elephant  frees her good touching

 "I was the one that took them off ". You're a good man Solomon , you were all she had , now she's free .
    I heard there's a 100% chance of vehicular accidents , if driving while playing online games , odds get better if playing just a personal game but shot right up if playing against someone else online .

    6.  I forget .

    " Stay out of The Way ", as in don't block the light .

    7.  Facebook

    Hey , here's a cure to all of mankind's problems ,
    " Make Every Human above Twenty Years of Age ,..Judge ...Jury ...and Executioner ".

    8.  Youtube pyramid shafts

    Why hasn't anybody tried sealing the shafts , and pumping air or fluids into them ?
    Might find something new ?

    9.  Youtube

    Just think of this , I believe religions in the orient have Elephants as Gods .
    Do you see why ? They're as holy as any holy man ever . We lost  something when we left the forest , Family .
    Heart . Now we're positioned as next loser because of this . They can read your heart .

    10.  Youtube religious nuts.

    This person recanting the story of the blood seeping through the cracks in the rock right on the Ark Of the Covenant .
    Are you a form of Christian I've never met?
        I don't believe it to be as detailed as was interpreted by Mr. Hovind .
          Mr.  Hovind you'll never see me at your ministry , not willfully anyway .

    11.  Youtube elephant

    Keep good care of him , because his life is giving you a reason for a wonderful life .
      Did you realize how important to not only save but gain the trust of a quick thinker like the elephant , when they look at you with that , wide eyed smile , then you know that he never forgets .

    12.   I forget .

    I've never heard this story . Maybe Mr. Kokesh has had enough and won't take anymore . I too normally do follow the route of peace .
    But especially in the United States , you've got some real problems down there , some to horrible to think of .
    You used to say live and let live ?
    " If you not ready to die for your beliefs , why do you believe in them ?"

    13.  Youtube elephants

    Do you know what is in this video , drop to  your knees humility .
    Ask yourself , if the elephant  lives in a perfect world , what sick perverted , pieces of shit are you ? Be like the elephant , you'll have no problems .

    14. I forget

    Whatever we've done only pertains to ourselves , the rest of creation will just keep going . Which brings up the question , " If we're assholes now , will we still be assholes when we're gone" ? You decide .

    15. Youtube space time bullshit .

    WhiteHawk , I don't think I'm ignorant when it comes to the mechanics of the universe , but , I can't seem to understand " space -time ", other than the
    ' time it takes to cross a certain distance of space ".
    Somehow a sci -fi terminology became blurred with actual physics , there's only one time , and lots of space .there's only "now ", tomorrow will be after "now" , yesterday is before "now".There's still just "now ".
    Thanks .