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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Earth . , our role . September / 2014

Don't illusion yourself .
All we are to Planet Earth , is , " An Oil Change ".
Gianfranco Fronzi . September / 2014

Comments . September / 21 / 2014

ISIS , is a religious political group I guess ? But there's one other political group that is conjoined by religion , the Israelis .
If you're sane you should know that world war 3 isn't a necessary thing . To accept the idea that ww3 is inevitable is creating it . Just everyone pull out of the middle east , the world war will be fought by the people that create the situation , we will just clean up .
The Israelis should have known their position , the United States has no contract to back Israel in illegal warfare . So Israel will have to deal with other factions , like sympathetic Islamic states , or  Russia , and China .
Pull everyone out , let the cleansing happen over the wound , not all over the body .

O.K. , Enough with the teary eyed shit .
I know you're probably wondering , What's up with Fronzi's rock band " Triple Penetration " ?
Well fans we've just finished a gig in Ulan Bator , where we backed the infamous band " Genghis Kahn's Decedents " .
It was an awesome gig , only three murders , fifty six rapes , three counts of illegal beggary , various other infractions , but the highest stati...stic was from one , a Mr. Snowden from the U.S.of A , for not bringing George Bush , They really want to meet Georgii over there .
We had to get our pay in Yogurt , and had a three day camel ride just to catch the bus that would take us to the coast , [ a 7 day trip ] , then back home by freighter . So stay tuned we're always looking for new avenues .

Great speech President Obama Sir . If what you say is true , and you've got the intelligence that can provide facts .
Sir , may I ask do you feel that a response from other countries should be tallied ?
You don't need future criticism from other leaders .
Also do you know the positions of the countries you're liberating ?
If all looks like a hand is needed let's roll .

I don't know what to make of any of this . But if the Rothschild's and their rich crew are into evil , they've got a few big groups to challenge , like ; Christians , Muslims , Buddhist , and all the rest of humanity that prefers the right thing .
Wow , that's gonna hurt , cause they've got a real mean streak .

China , do you the country that has all the money , want to be classified as , also the one with no " Soul "?
Listen to Yao Ming .

I would like to remind all Canadians that our Prime Minister , " Jean Chretien ", refused to go along with Bush , and sided with the United Nations .
Thank You , former Prime Minister , Jean Chretien , you kept us honest .

You've got to keep in mind this is a General of the United States . Selling his book isn't the main reason here because he's got a fat pension he could loose , along with his life . This man , even though the video is old , is telling you exactly what he knows .                                                           I personally would like to apologize to the countries that were disrupted , and I promise you from the bottom of my soul , not all of the people of North America  knew this was happening , I would say none but obviously some did .                                                                                                                    We can't go backwards and we don't have the power to . So lets pray to our Gods , that there is a reason for them allowing this manmade catastrophe ? The people will get their turn to bite their devious and heartless employees back , and I think it's coming ? So hang on and don't strike while we clean house , if we can ?                                              May God , Allah , whomever  your own God is , Watch over Us . Goodbye .                                                           Gianfranco Fronzi .September / 7 / 2014
Your Excellence Sheik Mohammed of Dubai .
Sir . By being interviewed you've used the media and it has used you .
Thank you .
But I would like to question you , as you can liberally question me .
The point that disturbs me is the admittance to the race horses being doped .
Why didn't you take full responsibility and ask for pardon ?
They were your horses ? In your care ?
You made the mistakes if it happened , and it did .  
I have to question this and so should you .
It's funny how it sometimes comes down to the bugs you stepped on , and I've stepped on a few myself , but I'm not blaming my shoemaker .
Don't stop , keep growing , but as you say the time for secrecy is over .
Thank You .

Somehow something we see now because of this form of instant media , I've got to admit , I didn't know we've sold out to Mr. Fuckin Drysdale as he was chasing Jed Clampett into the washroom stall , just in case he might open an account at another fuck-n bank ? Hilarious aye ? Just one Question what "s gonna happen when Jed runs out of " Chewing Tabaccii ? Whoooa boy , now that has gotta hurt ?

Hello , I didn't watch the video , I'm sensitive that way . But if it's true , what the fuck are you guys doing on our planet ? You're a shining example of who we want to have around ? You trying to get sympathy because you've gotta cut of another head ? Ya now everybody's scared of your boy scouts . You guys don't waste good meat though that would be the worst fuckin thing you could do , eat it up or your fat ugly mother gonna whack your nice boney brown ass .
If it's  another phony government shmere video , get it right we don't care anymore , just find your star in the good for it's citizens star of fame sidewalk . Fuck you all , it's not even good controversy , you ninnies . I guess barney Fife was right , ya gotta nip it in the bud .