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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

COMMENTS from everywhere NOV. 1 2016

Ar we going to give up our future on war ?
Now im in my sixties , and i dont care what you all do . but what a possibilty mankind would been .
When just as we get running , landing on mofo comets , new science is growing in knowledge by the day , but we want to just waste our time money , and resources on war .
Get a grip assholes , you are not our leaders because we want to fuck up .

Why did red wine come under your view ? Leading to resveratrol ? There was time-tested proof of red wine having beneficial effects on longevity , I assume ? Then why do you go on to say you would need an enormous amount ? When three glasses a day work better than the drug ? What you are looking for isn't a drug , it's a way of thought .

Perimeter ponderings .
Drug war , " A possible Solution "
The drug users construct themselves to become who they want to be with their " Drugs of Choice ".
Yet the drugs , are on this planet to use as we wish .
Therefore , the drug " User " , and the " Drug of choice " , are both part of a biological system , designed to be monitored by the " User "?
Who's to judge ? You all are .
If " Society " doesn't like the Users Personality " created by their drugs , They should be dealt with as an individual , not , the Drug made unavailable to everyone .
Then taking fom the " Users " their ability to construct their " Personality of choice ".
Am I making some sense here ?
If I'm not please rebutt , otherwise this entry stands as the the truth .
Gianfranco Fronzi . October / 14 / 2013

It was so bad that a boy would rather die than stay at the school "? You can't blame all of Canada , not everyone new ,

If ever a better love story those bloody wops . They say an incidence like this actually happened . Love for one minute, one second .  is worth billions to a life time .. Enjoy .

I apologize beforehand . But I don't buy this bunch of drivel at all . If you think it was this simple you are simple . The only clue is the first line , ' In the beginning there was the Word ', What God needed the word before getting down to work ? Or did the word start the work ?


I apologize , but I see it differently .
I do believe that the heavens are indicating a great change , but not for America or Iran , they negotiated sanely , with superpowers Russia and China attending .
Israel will now expose it's true character , by acting like a spoiled rich child and deceiving and destroying any sanity that removes it's well funded influence .
The golden calf which has done nothing for them in the past , but caused them death and hate , is coming out to play it's last feast on innocent Jewish blood .
The Jews that have the influence will again give up their own people to keep wealth . They realize all they really have is paper and metal Gods , and would rather cause their people and the world to die before giving up their influence .
As they did when they watched Nazi Germany murder Jews without doing anything for them , when all along Germany's hate was for them and their banking techniques which caused Germans to starve in a depression .
Our position should always be sane , and we should prepare to die rather than prepare to give up our beliefs , and global sanity , by also pandering to a golden calf God .
No , let's stick with the God that we all believe .

Whatever the argument I believe the same God or lack of is the same for everyone . To reach a disagreement is a lack of Humanity .

This is the bottom of the human condition , if you find this humorous , you would have thrown stones at an innocent man dragging a cross up a hill .

Is this some kind of sarcastic joke ?
Speak from the heart and heart felt feelings are returned .
Boycott work and you know what is felt .
Work and its voice is too precious to leave , making black lives not matter that much .

How humble I feel , i have seen other animals do this such as dogs which are also meat eaters . I'll bet you you feel more for animals than humans , I know the complex human interplay is so much detailed that we yearn for the beautiful and simple one the animals have . Bless them .

Life is hard dying is EASY . You got to love that .


Regardless of counterattacks on the refugee crisis , or the intentions of the boat people . That little boy died because of all of our indifference , our accumulated greed , and our jockeying for a stronger more profitable existence . You're not for one minute going to convince me we're protecting America , America didn't need protecting . So take your honour for your mercenaries and stuff it cowards , because they're on a paid fools errand for a position that left a toddler , in a horrific night of drowning with no one but a Turkish official finding his body . Like driftwood . That makes us all just Driftwood .

Chillen I am uncircumcised fantasy therefore personally remember gyroscope can't remember you're states otherwise you'll believe it's impossible therefore everything I've always categorized mankind isn't attached anywhere otherwise you'll realize they're moving always performing mankind isn't attached anywhere otherwise you'll realize remember you're states isn't floating inside you're states Kashmir laboratories remember you're states isn't attached anywhere otherwise you'll attract mankind isn't attached anywhere otherwise you'll attract mankind isn't America .
This was seen written on a Facebook page .


Puffer [ Jerry Chaon ] .
Long ago and not so far away .
Well it was a regular night at the house , bought 1980 .
Sometimes if we were bored , which was never ,we'd do things that stretched the human bodies abilities .
Well we were bugging Puffer about his ability to eat , which he enjoyed .
As we brought up some of his exploits , and having a good laugh .
He said over his beer buzz , Oh yea you ain't seen nothing yet ?
With that segue he then took a bite out of his beer glass , and calmly chewed it into a grind and swallowed it until he ingested the whole glass , us with mouths agape needed recovery.
Puffer passed away this date and left us with such colourful memories .
Ride on Puffer , the glass didn't kill him , and I thought nothing would .

The product isn't guilty of anything . It's mankind's inability to teach each other and their children properly on the use of anything . Why ? Because the don't know how . Some do , but they are deemed to be bad examples , thus ignorance continues . They would never get a substance abuser as a substance rehabilitator or councillor , yet they're the only ones qualified , and only the males of a certain group can be used . Females would use it as an avenue of more abuse as would lesser males . The ones you seek for anything unsolvable in ways unknown are the ones who started using substances to learn , not to get high .

Ah ?
I think that a group assault by every calamity that we can dream up , is a little , well , crazy . Don't you ?
But I've been sniffing the air , watching the stars and moon , and the weather .
And do believe during this period of approach to the vernal equinox , has a different feel .
Now I can't put my thumb down on what's going to happen , but something either directly accumulates from events beyond mankind's control , or a faction of mankind will take advantage of this era ?
All I can tell you is this ; " It will be a time for good men to do the right thing ".
A warning ! If they do the wrong thing , they'll wish they didn't , because when they see they were just used , they will wish they were with the dead .
Also; The people that have put on with a good life , you have nothing to fear , you will be rewarded , and your passages already has been paid for .
Google's collection of a DNA library better not forget the unicorn .
Know your territory , and be without fear , it's of no use .
I'll be watching .
Protector .

There is an old Italian saying ,
' When a Branch Grows Crooked It can Never Go Straight Again
Yet one day long ago as a little boy visiting Italy my Grandfather asked me , Gianfranco are you a good boy ? I said , I try to be .
He said , when a branch goes crooked it can never be made straight .
I refer to this saying many times now , cropping up in many situations .
Then i look to the Worlds Air Scrubbers , the straight and mighty Pine Tree .
Walking amongst them is intoxicating and therapeutic
You actually feel to be in a healthy good place .
The Pine grows so fast it dominates and overshadows undergrowth .Growing so tall and straight and sometimes large that they actually are not only the Earths air scrubbers but a Formidable Presence on Earth .
Marking life itself .
So be a pine , not a gnarly old tree , leave us aghast with your presence .

This is the bottom of the human condition , if you find this humorous , you would have thrown stones at an innocent man dragging a cross up a hill .

Gianfranco Fronzi Nov. 1 2016

Wednesday, August 24, 2016



This is one of the most inhumane videos ever . These police are our paid employees , we expect professionals , not trigger happy cowards .
Yes it is corrupt .
Quote , ' The More Laws , The Less Justice ' .
CICERO , Roman senator at the time of Julius Caesar .

This was a pretty weird video . So we are swine that have lived . What exactly is the purpose of this video ? So we are going die .

3 You will wish you were dead if they do not stop with it being . ' THE END TIMES ' . Yeah , it is weird . Sure do good all the time , because evil is self-propagating , as in [ Why should i be Good Now ? ] . Good is not , it is finalThis is what the Jewish closed community is not doing , a change any change has to happen inside of anything before it can become real , or else if the change is pandemically undesired socially , it can become pandemonium .

Why do you want a cure for something that is already found curable in it's early stages ? For every disease on Earth , Earth has a cure . You aren't looking in the right places .

People , what they refer to in saying ' Absolute Zero ' , is . Energy has a bi produced in it's transition and it is heat , if we reverse observe we get this assumption , that being , that at a point of temperature that has no heat or structure to maintain heat a.k.a. Absolute Zero , that Energy or better described , The One Indicator of Transition that is needed to Define All Transition . If this is at it's lowest point , does existence and the view of Existence become also Undefinable Our minds eye gives a vision of a spiralling hole that is continually falling , not a visual or real possibility .

Ya ok brother the love coming from could power America . But the girl being found to have been responsible for her own death . When someone is overtaken by a moving vehicle , how in any circumstance , barring mechanical involvement , can a person be found responsible for being crushed under said vehicle ? 6
If what this video reports is true , i believe the authority and the courts , are in the complete and moral wrong . If the parents seek an embellishment to feel justified , I believe a substantial one should be given . Universally , amongst all countries ,Humans come before any vehicles , and the operators are responsible for any interaction . This is not a war , it was a person who for any reason , even resistance , was killed to die in shock and disbelief that it was really going to happen . Shame , shame on you and forever .

TIME . This piece of art was introduced when I was in early high school a long time ago . It sent me on a journey which was an unwinding of what was complicated and ended being very simple .

In all of humanities recorded existence mankind is still unchanged , lies , ignorance , and illogical practices are praised , and truth justice and logic are criticized .
Only after the fact does history show this , why would you repeat bad history ?
Because there is more stupidity than enlightenment , enlightenment is viewed in hindsight and touches the few , the rest is what you see in this video .

The senseless abuse of animals without their spirit in mind is a direct reason for the abuse we do to ourselves and mankind . Until we can respect all life , life will not be worth living .

Why would NASA keep important knowledge from us ? As far as the shroud , who would not want to steal that body and the shroud ?

Exactly who is ' You ' .who has done wrong ? Every biological life form is an ' Intelligent Energy '. but in it there is a rule . Something must give up life for something else to continue onward with life . Taking it further . The solar system . the univerxe . are a huge machine where energy moves to where it is needed . When we look at a flower we are seeing what the real part of the entity , The Roots , want us to see . Capice ?

T1he problem is a difficult one because it’s a natural one . Any living entity that views another one that has any differing appearance , see them as a threat , a threat that has to be removed or controlled . To develop a viewpoint that goes against our natural response is done by being extreme on ourselves . As in maximum legislation to shock everyone when hate crimes occur , also , no rest or lenient response to finding and penalizing perpetrators . You’v got to shock everyone to express the need to destroy that viewpoint that is still in everyone . And it’s in all life , so the same for Blacks as Whites .

Humans make first impression judgements based on how people look within 7…

This is one of the most inhumane videos ever . These police are our paid employees , we expect professionals , not trigger happy cowards .
Yes it is corrupt .
Quote , ' The More Laws , The Less Justice ' .
CICERO , Roman senator at the time of Julius Caesar .
How does a video cause a world war ? You just saw it . What an insult to all of humanity , our tactics are childish , we draw lines in the sand and dare each other to cross them . Thank you all for doing a poor job , and having no consideration for the people of Earth , and Russia and America . You will be judged by us , and we are not poor uneducated agrarian societies that will believe anything you all spew . We will watch you and pass our judgement , your media will become our media , and you will become our prisoners , both RUSSIA and NATO will feel the reaction of their own people . May God have mercy .

All fun and games till the Elephant crushes an asshole .

17How is the elephant ? Would it miss its job , does it like its job ?
If the animal is suffering and you have the power to alive this suffering , that would put you all as a distasful bunch , and somehow it is our duty to encourage freedom .
Where did you dig up this shit ? You are saying the people that built things we aren't really capable of doing today ,masturbated into the Nile , a pharoah was sacrificed , I bet he would change that behavior first day as pharoah . And ' Incest ' are you nuts ?
Life today lacks two important things , Respect and Honor .
A threat by doing what the bomber already has done is not a fact it is a lifestyle . A lifestyle that is not reasonable .
 don't mind spending every day out on the corner in the poring rain .
Look for the girl with the crooked smile , ask her if she'd stay awhile .
And she will be loved , she will be loved .
You are absolutely right Radhika , but it takes many years if ever to feel this . Yet forgetting our positions as men and women is not going to produce a healthy society . Everyone must look inside themselves , every situation is different but not final .
If I walk down a road paved by life , and I cannot allow others unlike me to also walk , then I should get off that road because I am in the wrong .

If you are looking for a solution that could cause a real change ?
Well we impose laws on drug use or monopolise .
Well then why not limit the amount of money a certain individual or organisation can posses or make at one time .
This would be a global law and would put mankind in a more reasonable state .
One where greed or power can not grip us down but direct money where it is most needed .

Limit the root of all evil .

Gianfranco Fronzi . June / 26 / 20/ 2016

Everyone be careful , we are still all human and we should not gauge our positions by our suffering but our ability to understand that all suffering is not needed . We are caught in a world made of paper and metal which has no soul . Yet we live in a world that has everything in it for anyone You are only a thief when you take someone's property and trust thus giving no chance to give and trust in return . The position of the Jewish is awkward but how can something that was bought into by many non-Jewish be repaired ? We must all stop this play and look st ourselves . Anger or pity are not what is needed . All we have to do is keep talking about our future for all . Starting more wars is insane and outdated . Let the sun shine on every nation . Those that will not give it a chance to shine should not be harmed unless they harm . But they should be avoided .

Sang in the church choir every single Sunday .Which day did this church decide he was not what they wanted every other Sunday ? NO . IT was the day hr could not Sing .

They , the ones that pressed the charge of , Guilty by not Acting Against his Authoritarians ways of Thought , which caused Suffering and Death . They should ask this man , Do you think you should stand trial and possibly imprisonment for these charges ? If he agrees , ask him should all who did nothing but could of be also charged ? If he agrees , then yes charge anyone of this category , including the Jews who did nothing . Because he has had a long time to think on it .

This was a pretty weird video . So we are swine that have lived . What exactly is the purpose of this video ? So we are going die . You will wish you were dead if they do not stop with it being . ' THE END TIMES ' . Yeah , it is weird . Sure do good all the time , because evil is self-propagating , as in [ Why should i be Good Now ? ] . Good is not , it is final

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Comments . July 26 / 2016


Why would NASA keep important knowledge from us ? As far as the shroud , who would not want to steal that body and the shroud ?

Exactly who is ' You ' .who has done wrong ? Every biological life form is an ' Intelligent Energy '. but in it there is a rule . Something must give up life for something else to continue onward with life . Taking it further . The solar system . the univerxe . are a huge machine where energy moves to where it is needed . When we look at a flower we are seeing what the real part of the entity , The Roots , want us to see . Capice ?

The problem is a difficult one because it’s a natural one . Any living entity that views another one that has any differing appearance , see them as a threat , a threat that has to be removed or controlled . To develop a viewpoint that goes against our natural response is done by being extreme on ourselves . As in maximum legislation to shock everyone when hate crimes occur , also , no rest or lenient response to finding and penalizing perpetrators . You’v got to shock everyone to express the need to destroy that viewpoint that is still in everyone . And it’s in all life , so the same for Blacks as Whites .
Humans make first impression judgements based on how people look within 7…

This is one of the most inhumane videos ever . These police are our paid employees , we expect professionals , not trigger happy cowards .
Yes it is corrupt .
Quote , ' The More Laws , The Less Justice ' .
CICERO , Roman senator at the time of Julius Caesar .

How does a video cause a world war ? You just saw it . What an insult to all of humanity , our tactics are childish , we draw lines in the sand and dare each other to cross them . Thank you all for doing a poor job , and having no consideration for the people of Earth , and Russia and America . You will be judged by us , and we are not poor uneducated agrarian societies that will believe anything you all spew . We will watch you and pass our judgement , your media will become our media , and you will become our prisoners , both RUSSIA and NATO will feel the reaction of their own people . May God have mercy .

All fun and games till the Elephant crushes an asshole .

How is the elephant ? Would it miss its job , does it like its job ?
If the animal is suffering and you have the power to alive this suffering , that would put you all as a distasful bunch , and somehow it is our duty to encourage freedom .

Where did you dig up this shit ? You are saying the people that built things we aren't really capable of doing today ,masturbated into the Nile , a pharoah was sacrificed , I bet he would change that behavior first day as pharoah . And ' Incest ' are you nuts ?

Life today lacks two important things , Respect and Honor .

A threat by doing what the bomber already has done is not a fact it is a lifestyle . A lifestyle that is not reasonable .

 don't mind spending every day out on the corner in the poring rain .
Look for the girl with the crooked smile , ask her if she'd stay awhile .
And she will be loved , she will be loved .

You are absolutely right Radhika , but it takes many years if ever to feel this . Yet forgetting our positions as men and women is not going to produce a healthy society . Everyone must look inside themselves , every situation is different but not final .
If I walk down a road paved by life , and I cannot allow others unlike me to also walk , then I should get off that road because I am in the wrong .11

If you are looking for a solution that could cause a real change ?
Well we impose laws on drug use or monopolise .
Well then why not limit the amount of money a certain individual or organisation can posses or make at one time .
This would be a global law and would put mankind in a more reasonable state .
One where greed or power can not grip us down but direct money where it is most needed .

Limit the root of all evil .

Gianfranco Fronzi . June / 26 / 20/ 2016

Everyone be careful , we are still all human and we should not gauge our positions by our suffering but our ability to understand that all suffering is not needed . We are caught in a world made of paper and metal which has no soul . Yet we live in a world that has everything in it for anyone You are only a thief when you take someone's property and trust thus giving no chance to give and trust in return . The position of the Jewish is awkward but how can something that was bought into by many non-Jewish be repaired ? We must all stop this play and look st ourselves . Anger or pity are not what is needed . All we have to do is keep talking about our future for all . Starting more wars is insane and outdated . Let the sun shine on every nation . Those that will not give it a chance to shine should not be harmed unless they harm . But they should be avoided .

Sang in the church choir every single Sunday .Which day did this church decide he was not what they wanted every other Sunday ? NO . IT was the day hr could not Sing .

They , the ones that pressed the charge of , Guilty by not Acting Against his Authoritarians ways of Thought , which caused Suffering and Death . They should ask this man , Do you think you should stand trial and possibly imprisonment for these charges ? If he agrees , ask him should all who did nothing but could of be also charged ? If he agrees , then yes charge anyone of this category , including the Jews who did nothing . Because he has had a long time to think on it .

This was a pretty weird video . So we are swine that have lived . What exactly is the purpose of this video ? So we are going die . You will wish you were dead if they do not stop with it being . ' THE END TIMES ' . Yeah , it is weird . Sure do good all the time , because evil is self-propagating , as in [ Why should i be Good Now ? ] . Good is not , it is final

LaRock There are tons of alternatives to cancer treatment that work. First read the book "Killing Cancer Not People" by Robert G. Wright. People with cancer don't have to die by doing the big three: Surgery, Burn (Radiation) and Poison (Chemo). The best alternative to Chemo is Ozone therapy by doing rectal insufflation, which is an oxidizing treatment that kills cancer and makes your healthy cells better. Making the body alkaine by eating or juicing greens (organic greens). Take Vitamin B17 or Laetril (order this online as Novodalin 500mg capsules... take on a daily basis) , drink Essiac Tea (buy it or make it yourself). Drink this twice a day. Drink Barley Green as well. Also high PH water can help too. Anything around a 10 PH can help transition the body to a more alkaline level. Your body is what heals itself with help from altering the PH balance by using natural foods. Graviola is another good one (or soursop capsules). All these are alternative solutions that have been proven and works with 100% success rate. Many have over 5000 documented cases, until the FDA decided to shut them down. Other places for treatment include the Dr. Gerson protocol in Mexico. Also Dr. Hoaxey's clinic in Mexico (and they are in Mexico for a good reason. The FDA kicked these good people out because of big pharma etc).
19 Anyway, take a hold of your life if you have it. Cancer will go away. Stay positive and exercise too. According to stats and numbers from various journals, only 2 to 3 % will survive cancer after doing the conventional treatment after 5 years. If you want to live a normal life after going the conventional route, you have to do natural detox and cleanse your system (liver etc) from the insidious effects of chemo and radiation.
20 Chemo and radiation destroys the body permanently. It is advised to seek alternative treatments first. Removing the tumor only removes the symptom but not the cause. We are falsely lead to believe that they are removing the cancer when the tumor is removed and yet 2 years later it comes back with a vengeance, because it was never removed in the first place. I have lived with cancer symptoms off and on since 2009 and I use Barley Green, Essiac Tea, Laetril, Reishi Mushroom capsules (See Dr. Paul Stamets online) and blend organic green leafy vegetables and fruits on a daily basis. I have friends who have gone the naturalpathic route. We have all survived and cured. Eat foods that will maintain a high PH level and heal your body. Read the book I mentioned above and educate yourself. If not, you won't have hope because our foods, environment etc is toxic and that includes our water.